
About Me

Work with Isaiah has been completely life-changing. He provided the insight and tools to see and understand who I am . . .the power within me, producing incredible, tangible results in my life."
Karen M.

The How2healanything.com portal of empowerment courses was born out of Hypnotherapist Isaiah McGee’s 15-year therapeutic hypnosis empowerment practice, A Conscious Life Hypnotherapy. Using therapeutic hypnosis – the means by which our experienced-induced subconscious mental associations are reset – and convention-breaking therapeutic applications, Isaiah has revolutionized the effectiveness and efficiency of psychological, emotional and physiological healing.

Isaiah’s life-long quest to apprehend and understand what allows life to be harmoniously harnessed for authentic well-being has informed his unquenchable thirst to empower others with the liberating knowledge that heals. A certified hypnotherapist through the 52-year, world renowned Hypnotherapist Motivation Institute, Isaiah’s much-in-demand hypnotherapy practice has reached and empowered thousands of individuals across the globe.

A prolific writer, blogger and human liberation advocate, Isaiah’s work and practice has been awarded many accolades of appreciation for his unyielding dedication to the authentic emancipation of the human spirit from the conditioning of restrictive mental programming.

Isaiah’s ACLH Practice was awarded, “2020’s Best Hypnotherapy Practice, USA” by the Global Health and Pharmaceutical Association, and his 25-year blog-newsletter, The Conscious Flyer, was recently awarded, “Best Inspirational Blog,” by consumer review site, Expertido.org. His latest of six books, best-selling, “Confessions of a Therapist” has become a perennial, go-to resource of therapeutic insight and empowerment.

With five-star reviews from independent sources such as Yelp, SoTellUs, and Google, Isaiah receives countless testimonies from appreciative clients from across the USA, to the UK to South Africa, expressing appreciation for the life-altering impact garnered from his dedicated commitment to the well-being of all.

An unabashed, film, TV and streaming “-holic,” (“Bless you! Whoever invented the TV recorder!”), Isaiah enjoys a balanced mix of “couch-surfing” and the outdoors with nature hikes and camping.

Isaiah’s motto that informs his living is, “We are here to fulfill, not to endure.”

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